The report was commissioned in the wake of the catastrophic flooding which hit Leeds, York and the Calder Valley last winter. Locals are calling on Theresa May to speed up issuing the review in order that action can be taken ahead of next winter. Read more here.
Richfords Fire and Flood were tasked to Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cumbria during this period and witnessed at first hand the dire situation. Teams of technicians spent the first few months of 2016 working in the area drying out homes, businesses and community facilities.
Business Development Director, Michael Cooper, said: “Investigating ways to make communities more resilient is essential in combating the impact of future weather events. We are just as eager to see what the review says about possible future actions as the victims themselves.”
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has issued a statement to say the report would be published in the summer.
Michael Cooper, Business Development Director